I know a lot of you would like to follow my path. I hear it often. It's inspiring.
Like me, a lot of you don't have this kind of specific experience. So, today I'm going to share my Top 4 Rules that I developed to manage my store, Jensen Reserve.
There are a 100 different things I could talk about here. But I really find that there are 4 points that use to run my store daily. Here goes...
- It's a significant commitment. It becomes your other child, your marriage, a huge part of your time. And just like parenting and relationships, there are highs and lows.
- Merchandising is an under rated word. Without some knowledge or crash course in how to set up your retail space for success, you'll miss sales. Thank You Pinterest! Because this subject alone is a lifetime of work.
- Take Care of the Customers You Already Have. I am a BIG believer that it costs more money and is a significant risk of overall success if you run off your customers. I think it's more costly to constantly reach for more customers too. This means keeping your shelved fully stocked and full & treating your customer well too.
- Have means of communicating with your customers where they are....Social Media has been an enormous boost for small businesses. But, we should never neglect the power of an email list. You HAVE to own your customers somewhere....and email is the ONLY proven way to do it.
I could write a book on each of these topics. I'll definitely expand on them more as we go.
Was this helpful? I hope so! Let me know what you'd think and if there's a topic you'd like me to cover.